trail off

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trail off

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:36:55

英 [treil ɔf]

美 [trel ɔf]

trail off基本解释

逐渐减弱; 缩小


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1. (声音)逐渐减弱,越来越小
If a speaker's voice or a speaker trails off or trails away, their voice becomes quieter and they hesitate until they stop speaking completely.

e.g. 'But he had no reason. He of all men...' Kate's voice trailed off.
“但是他没有任何理由。在所有人当中…” 凯特的声音越来越轻。

1. trail off在线翻译

1. (声音等)逐渐变弱:track out 根据(遗迹等)探索出 | trail off (声音等)逐渐变弱 | treat sb. as 把...待如;把...看作

2. trail off的意思

2. 减弱:trail net 拖网 | trail off 减弱 | trail one's coat 故意挑衅

3. 减弱, 变小:Rusty 生锈的 | Trail off 减弱 变小 | Spine 脊柱 脊椎

4. trail off是什么意思

4. 变弱; 逐渐消失:throw sb. off the trail 甩掉尾巴 | trail after 追随 | trail off 变弱; 逐渐消失

  • 临近词
Cabell let his words trail off when he realized that no one was listening to him.(卡贝尔把声音降低了,他意识到没有人在听他说话。)
This style is made to take you from the trail off the beaten path.(这种风格是带您从步道关闭殴打路径。)
I work very, very hard off the trail.(在穿越之外,我工作的非常、非常努力。)
We're doing this one-off event because it's something we'd want to go to ourselves, and we want to blaze a trail for people who are planning similar events in the future.(我们来做这种一次性的事件,是因为这是我们想做的事情,而且我们还想为今后打算计划做类似的事情的人们趟出一条路来。)
The effects of water and ice, too, are likely to be intermittent, and to trail off at least a bit as the reserves on top of the mountain are used up.(水和冰的影响很有可能也是断断续续的,并且当山顶储存的水用完时至少会有一点减弱。)
Luckily, I was too lazy to continue putting it on, and let its usage trail off.(幸运的是,我一直懒得使用,直至其过期。)
The Iraqi boy, who was perhaps 9 years old, kept running the two and a half miles to the Jumhuriya Bridge, and as I turned to run back on a trail along the Tigris, he dropped off to wave goodbye.(接着我转过身,沿着底格里斯河旁的一条小径往回跑。他停下来,挥手告别。)
Though I kept on running, I couldn't shake them off my trail.(虽然我不停地奔跑,可还是无法摆脱他们的追踪。)
Barack Obama got an unsolicited reminder of this on the campaign trail in 2008, when an off-the-cuff remark about the need to “spread the wealth around” provoked some shrill retorts.(奥巴马先生在2008年的竞选中就有这样一次莫名奇妙的回忆:他在一次即兴演讲中提到“分配财富”,这引起了底下的尖声反驳。)
Studies show that while girls do better than boys in high school, they start to trail off during their college years.(研究表明,虽然女孩在高中的成绩比男孩好,但在大学期间,她们的成绩开始下降。)
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